Stable Diffusion之Prompt篇

  • Photo Realistic 高清照片风格

    raw photo, photorealistic, masterpiece, best quality, hires, intricate details, reflections, photographed on a Canon EOS R5, 50mm lens, F/2.8, HDR, 8k resolution, ray-tracing,
  • Negative Prompt for Beauty

    EasyNegative, bad_prompt_version2, bad-hands-5, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, (watermark:1.6), (text:1.4), (worst quality:2), (low quality:2), (normal quality:2), lowres, normal quality, ((monochrome)), ((grayscale)), skin spots, acnes, skin blemishes, age spot, (outdoor:1.6), manboobs, backlight,(ugly:1.331), (duplicate:1.331), (morbid:1.21), (mutilated:1.21), (tranny:1.331), mutated hands, (poorly drawn hands:1.331), blurry, (bad anatomy:1.21), (bad proportions:1.331), extra limbs, (disfigured:1.331), (more than 2 nipples:1.331), (missing arms:1.331), (extra legs:1.331), (fused fingers:1.61051), (too many fingers:1.61051), (unclear eyes:1.331), bad hands, missing fingers, extra digit, (futa:1.1), bad body, pubic hair, glans, (nipples:1.4), (nsfw:1.4), (nude:1.6),nsfw,
  • Style 风格
    | Style | Description | Style | Description |

| artbook | 原画 | game_cg | 游戏CG |
| tachi-e | 立绘样式 | comic | 漫画 |
| dakimakura | 抱枕 | cosplay | 角色扮演 |
| photo | 照片 | personification | 拟人 |
| realistic | 现实 | sketch | 素描 |
| traditional_media | 手绘 | sketch | 手绘 |

  • Lighting Style
    | Lighting | Description | Lighting | Description |

| Bloom | 开花;绽放 | God rays | 神光;天光 |
| Hard shadows | 硬阴影 | Studio lighting | 工作室照明 |
| Soft lighting | 柔和照明;柔光 | Diffused lighting | 散射照明;漫射光 |
| Rim lighting | 边缘照明;边缘光 | Volumetric lighting | 体积照明 |
| Specular lighting | 镜面照明;高光 | Cinematic lighting | 电影照明 |
| Luminescence | 发光;自发光 | Translucency | 半透明性 |
| Subsurface scattering | 亚表面散射 | Global illumination | 全局照明 |
| Indirect light | 间接光 | Radiant light rays | 辐射光线 |
| Bioluminescent details | 生物发光细节 | Ektachrome | 依可透 |
| Glowing | 发光的 | Shimmering light | 闪闪发光的光 |
| Halo | 暈;光圈 | Iridescent | 彩虹色的;虹彩般的 |
| Backlighting | 背光;逆光 | Caustics | 光照色彩变化效应 |

  • Hair 头发
    | Hair | Description | Hair | Description |

| multicolored hair | 多彩的头发 | hime cut | 姬发式 |
| ahoge | 呆毛 | braid | 辫子 |
| asymmetrical hair | 半边刘海 | french braid | 法式辫 |
| blunt bangs | 齐刘海 | braided ponytail | 编织马尾辫 |
| parted bangs | 分开的刘海 | hair intakes | 进气口发型 |
| side swept bangs | 朝一个方向的刘海 | hair behind ear | 耳后发 |
| curtained hair | 窗帘式发型 | hair over shoulder | 披肩发 |
| colored inner hair | 内侧颜色 | hair bun | 团子头 |
| streaked hair | 条染 | double bun | 双团子头 |

  • Face 脸
    | Face | Description | Face | Description |

| light smile | 微笑 | seductive smile | 诱惑笑 |
| grin | 露齿而笑 | laughing | 笑 |
| excited | 兴奋 | smirk | 微笑 |
| smug | 得意 屑 | embarrassed | 害羞 |
| shy | 害羞 | blush | 脸红 |
| sad | 悲伤的 | pout | 别扭 努嘴 |
| sigh | 叹气 | angry | 生气 |
| annoyed | 苦恼的 | frown | 皱眉/蹙额 |
| wide eyed | 睁大眼睛 | jitome | 鄙夷的眼神 |
| serious | 严肃 | smirk | 认真 |
| scowl | 锐利 | crazy | 疯狂的 |
| dark_persona | 黑化的 | naughty_face | 下流的表情 |
| endured_face | 忍耐的表情 | ahegao | 阿黑颜 |

  • Cloth 衣着
    | Cloth | Description | Cloth | Description |

| side-tie bikini bottom | 系带比基尼裤 | detached collar | 分离式衣领,只有衣领 |
| front-tie bikini top | 系带比基尼上衣 | cuffs | 袖口 |
| frilled bikini | 褶边比基尼 | midriff | 露腰上衣 |
| string bikini | 细带比基尼 | crop top | 露腰上衣 |
| highleg bikini | 高腰比基尼 | clothing cutout | 剪切过的衣服 |
| o-ring bikini | 有环的比基尼 | breast curtains | 胸帘 |
| sling bikini | 吊带比基尼 | versus bikini | 宝石比基尼 |
| mismatched bikini | 不太懂 | collared shirt | 带领衬衫 |
| revealing clothes | 暴露的衣服 | vest | 马甲背心 |
| see-through | 半透明衣服 | puffy sleeves | 蓬松袖子 |
| garter straps | 吊带袜 | peaked cap | 宽檐帽 |
| cheerleader | 啦啦队 | pelvic curtain | 骨盆帘 |
| pleated skirt | 百褶裙 | halter shirt | 吊带衬衫 |
| suspender skirt | 吊带裙 | ribbed sweater | 罗纹毛衣 |
| leotard | 连体紧身衣 | bodysuit | 连体紧身衣 |
| tank top | 汗衫 | torn clothes | 撕破的衣服 |
| taut clothes | 绷紧的衣服 | impossible clothes | 不可能的衣服 |
| string panties | 细绳内裤 | pantyhose | 连裤袜 |
| panties under pantyhose | 连裤袜下内裤 | competition swimsuit | 竞泳 |
| undersized clothes | 过小的衣服 | cropped jacket | 短外套 |
| plugsuit | 插入服,eva那种紧身衣 | crotchless panties | 开裆内裤 |
| legwear | 腿上一切 | serafuku | 水手服 |
| sailor collar | 水手领 | kimono | 和服 |
| yukata | 浴衣 | japanese clothes | 日式服装 |
| sports bra | 运动上衣 | bike shorts | 骑行裤 |
| lolita fashion | Lolita衣服 | race queen | 赛车女郎 |
| skindentation | 贴身的? | raglan sleeves | 连肩衣袖 |
| sleeves past fingers | 手指过长的袖子 | sleeves past wrist | 手腕过长的袖子 |
| bunnysuit | 兔女郎 | reverse bunnysuit | 逆兔女郎 |
| reverse outfit | 逆着穿的衣服 | straitjacket | 拘束衣 |
| sleeve skirts | 袖裙 | covered nipples | 凸激 |

  • Accessory 装饰
    Accessory Description Accessory Description
    tassel 流苏 wristband 腕带

| epaulettes | 肩章 | spaghetti strap | 细肩带 |
| ascot | 宽领带 | bridal gauntlets | 长手套 |
| trim | 包边 | criss-cross halter | 交错绕颈系带 |
| bowtie | 蝴蝶结领带 | halterneck | 绕颈系带 |
| neck ribbon | 系带领 | harness | 背带,挽具 |
| lapels | 翻领 | corset | 束腰 |
| frills | 荷叶边 | underbust | 束腰 |
| buckle | 扣带 | necklace | 项链 |
| belt buckle | 皮带扣 | sailor collar | 水手领 |
| chest harness | 胸带 | hairband | 发带 |
| suspenders | 肩吊带 | vambraces | 护腕 |
| lace-trimmed | 蕾丝边 | elbow gloves | 肘部手套 |
| veil | 面纱 | interface headset | 明日香头上那个角 |
| tinted eyewear | 有色眼镜 | chest jewel | 胸前珠宝 |
| pocket watch | 怀表 | tiara | 头冠 |
| hachimaki | 钵卷,日式头带 | fake animal ears | 假动物耳朵 |
| headgear | 头上机器 | hat bow | 帽子蝴蝶结 |
| sweatdrop | 汗珠 | pompom(clothes) | 衣服上的毛球 |
| water drop | 水滴 | pompom(cheerleading) | 啦啦队彩球 |
| falling petals | 掉落的花瓣 | neck ring | 颈环 |
| wrist cuffs | 手腕袖口 | stitches | 缝线 |
| chain | 锁链 | visor cap | 游客帽 |
| o-ring | 圆环装饰 | scrunchie | 发圈束 |
| oni horns | 鬼角 | surgical mask | 医用口罩 |
| mouth mask | 口罩 | | |

Pose 姿势

  • Full body 全身
    | Body Pose | Description | Body Pose | Description |

| leaning forward | 前倾 | undressing | 脱衣服 |
| fetal position | 婴儿姿势(侧躺手脚曲着) | against wall | 靠墙 |
| on_stomach | 趴着 | squatting | 蹲下 |
| lying | 躺着 | sitting | 坐 |
| seiza | 正坐 | wariza/w-sitting | 割坐 |
| yokozuwari | 侧身坐 | indian_style | 盘腿 |
| leg_hug | 抱腿 | walking | 走 |
| running | 跑 | straddle | 跨坐 |
| straddling | 跨立 | kneeling | 下跪 |
| smoking | 抽烟 | arm_support | 用手支撑住 |
| caramelldansen | niconiconi | princess_carry | 公主抱 |
| fighting_stance | 战斗姿态 | upside-down | 颠倒的 |
| top-down_bottom-up | 趴着翘臀 | bent_over | 翘臀姿势 |
| all_fours | 四肢趴地 | arched_back | 弓身体 |
| back-to-back | 背对背 | symmetricalhandpose | 手对手 |
| eye_contact | 眼对眼(对视) | symmetrical_docking | 2女胸部贴在一起 |
| hug | 拥抱 | lap_pillow | 膝枕 |
| sleeping | 睡觉 | bathing | 洗澡 |
| mimikaki | 掏耳勺 | holding_hands | 牵手 |

  • Head 头

    Head Pose Description Head Pose Description
    head tilt 歪头 turning around 回头
    looking back 回头看 looking down 向下看
    looking up 向上看 smelling
  • Hand/Arm 手/手臂
    | Hand Pose | Description | Hand Pose | Description |

| handtomouth | 手放在嘴边 | arms_crossed | 手交叉于胸前 |
| arm at side | 手放头旁边 | hand on hip | 手放臀 |
| arms behind head | 手放脑后 | hand on another’s hip | |
| arms behind back | 手放后面 | handonhip | 单手插腰 |
| hand on own chest | 手放在自己的胸前 | handsonhips | 双手叉腰 |
| arms up/hands up | 举手 | stretch | 伸懒腰 |
| armpits | 举手露腋 | leg hold | 手把腿抓着 |
| grabbing | 抓住 | holding | 拿着 |
| fingersmile | 用手指做出笑脸 | skirt lift | 掀起裙子 |
| shirt lift | 掀起上衣 | adjusting_thighhigh | 调整过膝袜 |
| hair_pull | 拉头发 | hair scrunchie | 撮头发 |

  • Gestures 手势
    Gestures Description Gestures Description
    v/peace_symbol thumbs_up 翘大拇指
    middle_finger 比出中指 cat_pose 猫爪手势
    finger_gun 手枪手势 shushing 嘘手势
    waving 招手 salute 敬礼

| spread_arms | 张手 | | |

  • Leg 腿
    Leg Pose Description Leg Pose Description
    spread legs 张开腿 crossed legs 二郎腿
    fetal position 曲腿至胸 leg lift 抬一只脚
    legs up 抬两只脚

Environment 环境

  • General 总体

    Environment Description Environment Description
    cityscape 城市风景 landscape 风景
    indoors 室内 outdoors 室外
  • Color/Tone 色调

    Color/Tone Description Color/Tone Description
    light shade 阴凉处
    dark deep
    pale grey background 背景颜色(灰)
  • Weather 天气
    | Environment | Description | Environment | Description |

| golden hour lighting | 黄金时段照明 | in the rain | 雨中 |
| strong rim light | 强边缘光 | rainy days | 雨天 |
| night | 晚上 | sunset | 日落 |
| intense shadows | 强阴影 | cloudy | 多云 |
| full moon | 满月 | against backlight at dusk | 傍晚背对阳光 |

  • Indoor 室内

    Environment Description Environment Description
    mirror 反射 curtains 窗帘
    on bed 床上 on floor (wooden floor) 地板上
    on carpet 在地毯上 on yoga mats 在瑜伽垫上
    chair 椅子 magic circle 魔法阵
    poker table 赌桌
  • Outdoor 室外
    | Environment | Description | Environment | Description |

| mountain | 山 | ocean | 大海 |
| on a hill | 山上 | over the sea | 海边上 |
| the top of the hill | 山顶 | beautiful purple sunset at beach in the ocean | 海边日落 |
| beautiful detailed sky, beautiful detailed water | 好天好水 | sunset | 落日 |
| on the beach | 海滩上 | on the ocean | 在大海上 |
| meadow | 草地 | plateau | 高原 |
| desert | 沙漠 | | |

  • Plant 植被

    Environment Description Environment Description
    flower falling petals 落花
    petal 花瓣 cherry_blossoms 樱花
    rose 玫瑰 forest 森林/树
    rose petals 玫瑰花瓣 pink four petal flower 粉色四瓣花
  • Building 建筑
    | Environment | Description | Environment | Description |

| in the baroque architecture | 巴洛克建筑 | in the romanesque architecture streets | 罗马街道 |
| in the palace | 宫廷 | at the castle | 城外为背景 |
| in the castle | 城内为背景 | in the street | 在街上 |
| in the cyberpunk city | 赛博朋克 | rainy night in a cyberpunk city with glowing neon lights | 赛博朋克雨天霓虹灯 |
| at the lighthouse | 灯塔 | onsen | 温泉 |
| by the moon | 月亮边 | in a bar, in bars | 酒吧 |
| in a tavern | 居酒屋 | Japanese arch | 鸟居 |
| church | 教堂 | in a locker room | 上锁房间里 |
| cityspace | 城市风光式 | power lines | 电力线 |
| building | 建筑 | ruins | 废墟/遗迹 |


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