关于redis的分布式锁,redis官方引出了一个算法,命名为redlock。 同时,提供了各类的实现可供使用,例如Redlock-rb for Ruby、Redlock-py for Python、Redisson for Java等。 因此,深入了解Redis分布锁的运用同时分析下node-redlock。
仅采集含有 A large volume of broadcast packets has been detected 内容的数据,并将所需要的数据提取出来入库
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2021-12-01 00:00:07.115 [HUB "hub_dkwbj"] Session "SID-BRIDGE-5": A large volume of broadcast packets has been detected. There are cases where packets are discarded based on the policy. The source MAC address is 50-9A-4C-27-F9-D3, the source IP address is fe80::e8d3:8281:e69e:afda, the destination IP address is ff02::1:3. The number of broadcast packets is equal to or larger than 32 items per 1 second (note this information is the result of mechanical analysis of part of the packets and could be incorrect). 2021-12-01 00:00:07.115 [HUB "hub_dkwbj"] Session "SID-BRIDGE-5": A large volume of broadcast packets has been detected. There are cases where packets are discarded based on the policy. The source MAC address is 50-9A-4C-27-F9-D3, the source IP address is, the destination IP address is The number of broadcast packets is equal to or larger than 32 items per 1 second (note this information is the result of mechanical analysis of part of the packets and could be incorrect). 2021-12-01 00:01:34.923 [HUB "hub_dkwbj"] Session "SID-BRIDGE-5": A large volume of broadcast packets has been detected. There are cases where packets are discarded based on the policy. The source MAC address is 50-9A-4C-27-F9-D3, the source IP address is, the destination IP address is The number of broadcast packets is equal to or larger than 40 items per 1 second (note this information is the result of mechanical analysis of part of the packets and could be incorrect). 2021-12-01 00:01:34.923 [HUB "hub_dkwbj"] Session "SID-BRIDGE-5": A large volume of broadcast packets has been detected. There are cases where packets are discarded based on the policy. The source MAC address is 50-9A-4C-27-F9-D3, the source IP address is fe80::e8d3:8281:e69e:afda, the destination IP address is ff02::fb. The number of broadcast packets is equal to or larger than 40 items per 1 second (note this information is the result of mechanical analysis of part of the packets and could be incorrect). 2021-12-01 00:03:48.133 [HUB "hub_dkwbj"] Session "SID-BRIDGE-5": A large volume of broadcast packets has been detected. There are cases where packets are discarded based on the policy. The source MAC address is 48-4D-7E-BE-B0-87, the source IP address is, the destination IP address is The number of broadcast packets is equal to or larger than 52 items per 1 second (note this information is the result of mechanical analysis of part of the packets and could be incorrect). 2021-12-01 00:03:48.133 [HUB "hub_dkwbj"] Session "SID-BRIDGE-5": A large volume of broadcast packets has been detected. There are cases where packets are discarded based on the policy. The source MAC address is 48-4D-7E-BE-B0-87, the source IP address is fe80::c129:65df:e7de:f745, the destination IP address is ff02::fb. The number of broadcast packets is equal to or larger than 52 items per 1 second (note this information is the result of mechanical analysis of part of the packets and could be incorrect). 2021-12-01 00:03:48.133 [HUB "hub_dkwbj"] Session "SID-BRIDGE-5": A large volume of broadcast packets has been detected. There are cases where packets are discarded based on the policy. The source MAC address is 50-9A-4C-27-F9-D3, the source IP address is, the destination IP address is The number of broadcast packets is equal to or larger than 60 items per 1 second (note this information is the result of mechanical analysis of part of the packets and could be incorrect). 2021-12-01 00:03:48.133 [HUB "hub_dkwbj"] Session "SID-BRIDGE-5": A large volume of broadcast packets has been detected. There are cases where packets are discarded based on the policy. The source MAC address is 50-9A-4C-27-F9-D3, the source IP address is fe80::e8d3:8281:e69e:afda, the destination IP address is ff02::fb. The number of broadcast packets is equal to or larger than 60 items per 1 second (note this information is the result of mechanical analysis of part of the packets and could be incorrect). 2021-12-01 00:11:07.141 On the TCP Listener (Port 5555), a Client (IP address, Host name "scanner-09.ch1.censys-scanner.com", Port number 40418) has connected. 2021-12-01 00:11:07.141 For the client (IP address:, host name: "scanner-09.ch1.censys-scanner.com", port number: 40418), connection "CID-8671" has been created. 2021-12-01 00:11:08.058 Connection "CID-8671" has been terminated. 2021-12-01 00:11:08.058 The connection with the client (IP address, Port number 40418) has been disconnected. 2021-12-01 00:11:08.289 On the TCP Listener (Port 5555), a Client (IP address, Host name "scanner-09.ch1.censys-scanner.com", Port number 34038) has connected. 2021-12-01 00:11:08.289 For the client (IP address:, host name: "scanner-09.ch1.censys-scanner.com", port number: 34038), connection "CID-8672" has been created. 2021-12-01 00:11:08.531 SSL communication for connection "CID-8672" has been started. The encryption algorithm name is "AES128-SHA". 2021-12-01 00:11:10.011 Connection "CID-8672" terminated by the cause "A client which is non-SoftEther VPN software has connected to the port." (code 5).
filebeat.inputs: - type: filestream enabled: true paths: - /usr/share/filebeat/logfiles/*.log include_lines: ['A large volume of broadcast packets has been detected']
filter { grok { match => { "message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:time} \[HUB \"%{NOTSPACE:hub}\"\] Session \"%{NOTSPACE:session}\": A large volume of broadcast packets has been detected. There are cases where packets are discarded based on the policy. The source MAC address is %{NOTSPACE:mac_address}, the source IP address is %{IP:source_ip}, the destination IP address is %{IP:destination_ip}. The number of broadcast packets is equal to or larger than %{NUMBER:items_per_second} items per 1 second "} }
grok { match => { "[log][file][path]" => ".*(\\|\/).*(\\|\/)(?<file_name>.*).*"} }
date { match => [ "time","ISO8601"] timezone => "Asia/Chongqing" target => "created_at" }
mongoose这个ORM实际做了一步强制new Date()转换为utc时间。所以无论传入什么本地时间,都会强制转换mongodb所需要的ISODate时期格式。 所以无论是moment、dayjs等时间库的时间,最后都会被momgoose强制转换为new Date 的UTC时间。与用什么时间库或时间格式并无直接关系。
我们来验证下查询的时候,传入的时间是不是也会通过mongoose自动强制new Date
-> 传入时间
->(ORM)转换为GMT零时区 Sat, 11 Dec 2021 00:00:00 GMT
->(ORM)new Date()转为ISODatenew Date("Sat, 11 Dec 2021 00:00:00 GMT") -> 2020-12-12T00:00:00.000Z